Creative Corporate Video & Content Production in Singapore

There are many ways for businesses to connect with potential customers, build brand awareness, and enhance consumer loyalty — or so they say. However, there’s only one right way to do it when you want to do it right: Corporate videos and content production are the most powerful marketing tools today that businesses can leverage to get an edge over their competitors. 

The potencies of corporate videos and content creation are undeniable, but the impact it has on your target audience can go in either one of two ways. Place that power in inadequate hands and you’ll likely watch your company crash and burn. Put that responsibility with us at DAMSEL Films, and we’ll make each and every one of your business dreams come true. 

What are Corporate Videos?

Ah, corporate videos. What do these words bring to mind? Moving images of boring executives discussing the minutiae of a company’s operations in Singapore? Videos that play like powerpoint presentations to put everyone to REM-sleep near instantaneously? Perhaps a dull, formulaic video with no real purpose or lasting impact? 

While these nightmares can easily become reality when you work with the wrong production house, corporate videos — fundamentally — are creative visions brought to life. 

They are your promotional videos, training videos, conference videos, and corporate social responsibility videos. They are also those videos you use for impactful internal communications. In essence, the term corporate video is an overarching umbrella used to define all sorts of video communication efforts utilised for both internal and external corporate messaging. 

But then, one may ask (and rightly so): how is corporate video content creation different from traditional video advertising? The answer is pretty simple — it’s all about the audience. Corporate videos are typically made with a specific target audience in keen mind, whereas traditional video content tries its best to appeal to everyone. In other words, instead of throwing things at a wall and waiting to see what sticks, you’re effectively aiming for the bullseye with an arsenal of homing missiles.

Benefits of (Good) Corporate Video Production and How DAMSEL Films Bring Them to Life

Creative corporate videos are engaging, exciting and effective ways to reach out to your business’ target market. Or, at least, they’re supposed to be; cookie-cutter productions can result in corporate video content that’s abysmal at best and detrimental at worst — but more on that later. In the best cases, corporate videos should captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression, bringing to life the stories of your organisation with visuals, music and sound all unified in a single message. The result? An emotional connection that drives people to action.

From TV commercials to web and social media videos, creative corporate video content can be an invaluable asset to businesses in and beyond Singapore. By creating content that reliably resonates with your audience, you’ll not only reach more people with what you have to say, but increase engagement, generate more leads and build stronger brand loyalty even amongst yet-faithful followers. Other benefits of corporate video production include improved conversion rates, enhanced visibility and strengthened trust and confidence.

Of course, these can only come with an expert production team behind the scenes.  

At DAMSEL Films, we commit to conjuring world-class creative work for the most ambitious of clients from all across the globe. Through our video production services, we help businesses create corporate video content of which legacies will remain forevermore. From pre-production stages of consulting and concept creation, to post-production editing and graphics and animation incorporation, we oversee all aspects of the production process with unwavering attention to detail, such that you can enjoy every last bit of goodness that can come from creating a corporate video for your business.

Corporate Video Production with DAMSEL Films

Ready to jump in on the action? Get in touch with DAMSEL’s women-led production house today, and watch our collaboration culminate into video content of likes you’ve never imagined.

Frequently Asked Questions about Corporate Video Production in Singapore

  • Statistics proving the effectiveness of corporate videos are staggeringly hard to argue with: 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos, while marketers that incorporate video content into their corporate campaigns report 34% higher conversion rates.

  • There are a few different types of corporate videos that can be used to brand an organisation. The most common and important ones are:

    • The brand story video: This creative video tells the organisation's story and explains what they do. It is engaging and informative, and gives viewers a good idea of what the organisation is all about.

    • The product/service video: This type of corporate video showcases the organisation's products or services in action. It is a great way to show potential customers what they can expect from using what the organisation has to offer.

    • The testimonial video: These videos feature satisfied customers or clients giving their testimonials about their experience working with organisation or using their product. They help build trust and credibility among potential consumers, who will feel more encouraged to proceed with a purchase.

    • The culture video: This creative video gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the organisation, and showcases the company’s culture. It helps potential employees get a feel for what it would be like to work for the organisation, and can also attract customers or clients who share the same values.

  • When you're looking for a video production company in Singapore, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you want to make sure that the company has a good reputation and is known for video editing and producing high-quality videos with impact. You'll also want to make sure that they have experience working with the type of corporate video you're looking to have produced. Finally, you want to make sure that they're able to work within your budget.

    Check out DAMSEL’s previous works on corporate video content production and more.